Analysis of the recycling situation of used clothes by Chinese university students

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Analysis of the recycling situation of used clothes by Chinese university students

Analysis of the recycling situation of used clothes by Chinese university students. China is a large producer and consumer of textile and clothing; with the rapid development of the economy, people’s quality of life improves. However, the consumption of resources is also increasing; recycling used clothes is an environmental action to save resources. At present, China lacks a comprehensive used clothes classification and recycling system. The recycling channels for used clothes are limited, and there is no professional recycling organization.

Compared with other developed countries, the recycling of used clothes in China has just started. People are not aware of the recycling of used clothes. To further understand and grasp the awareness of used clothes recycling among college students. conducting A questionnaire survey 1200 college students (one-third of the total number of art students, science students, and art students, respectively) in Guangdong Institute of Technology in China. One thousand two hundred questionnaires were distributed, of which 1172 were valid.

  1. Current status of discarded clothing for university students1 The way college students handle used clothes

The questionnaire survey results on “how to deal with used clothes” in Guangdong Polytechnic are shown in Figure 1.

Figure 1 College students’ daily handling of used clothes

As can be seen from Figure 1, the most popular choice among 1172 college students is to dispose of used clothes directly, with 731 people accounting for 62.37% of the total number of students. The next most popular choice was to reuse the used clothes or give them to others, with 35% and 29% of the total options, respectively. As for donating to social welfare organizations or selling at a low price, only 8% and 3% respectively. It can be seen that although college students think the recycling of used clothes is meaningful, in reality, most used clothes are still wasted, which shows that the recycling of used clothes is a problem that needs to be solved.

1.2 Average annual number of clothes used by university students

The questionnaire survey results on the “average number of used clothes per year” in Guangdong Institute of Technology  in Figure 2.

Figure 2 Average annual number of clothes used by university students

From Figure 2, it can be seen that the number of 1172 college students who used clothes 4-6 pieces per year is the largest, with 1050 people accounting for 90% of the total number. Most college students have more than four pieces of USED clothes per year, and even more, they discard more than ten pieces per year on average. It can be seen that the number of used clothes on college campuses is quite large, and if they are not recycled, it will lead to an enormous waste of resources.

The survey results

The survey results show that the frequency of updating clothing varies by grade level. Newcomers have the highest frequency of updating their clothing. The frequency of updating clothing tends to increase with each passing year. The above phenomenon may be caused by the fact that newcomers are required to wear uniforms on junior and senior high school campuses and are in a state of financial disability. The frequency of clothing updates also varies from discipline to discipline. General arts and science students update their clothing significantly less frequently than art students, probably because art students are keener on pursuing trends and expressing their individuality. In terms of gender differences, girls update their clothing significantly more frequently than boys, probably because girls are naturally beauty-conscious.

1.3 Types of clothing discarded by university students

The results of a questionnaire survey on “the types of clothing discarded by college students” conducted at Guangdong Polytechnic University show the following: In terms of the types of clothing discarded, school uniforms are the most discarded, and basically, all respondents stopped wearing school uniforms from their second year of college, and they were directly discarded. It is evident that the lower the price of popular models, the more likely they are to be discarded. Therefore, recycling used clothes on university campuses can be selected according to this characteristic, saving recycling costs and improving efficiency.

Two 、The way college students expect used clothes to be handled and recycled

2.1 Awareness of college students about recycling used clothes

The results of a questionnaire survey conducted at Guangdong Polytechnic University on “How do college students think about used clothes recycling” show that the majority of respondents feel that used clothes recycling is necessary and that it is an environmentally friendly and energy-saving act to save resources and help others at the same time. The results show that most respondents think recycling used clothes is necessary, protecting resources and helping others. It can be seen that college students have a positive perception of used clothes recycling.

2.2 The way college students want to recycle used clothes

The questionnaire survey results on “how to recycle used clothes on campus” in Guangdong Polytechnic University are shown in Figure 3.Figure 3 shows that 1,000 out of 1,172 university students, or 85.32% of the total, wanted the work to be carried out by a charity. 25.6% wanted the collection to be carried out by a commercial organization for free. 20.3% wanted the collection to be carried out by a commercial organization for pay. A minimal number of college students did not think it mattered or did not support the recycling effort at all. It can be seen that the recycling of used clothing by charitable organizations is the most preferred method of recycling by the majority of students. The way of recycling by commercial organizations for free or for a fee is also supported by some students.

Figure 3 Ways to recycle used clothes on campus

  1. College students’ awareness of secondhand clothing

3.1 College students’ awareness of wearing secondhand clothing

The questionnaire survey results on “How do you think about wearing secondhand clothing” in Guangdong . Institute of Technology are shown in Figure 4.

It can be seen from Figure 4: more than half of the respondents think that wearing secondhand clothing is an environmentally friendly . And energy-saving behavior. About 22% of college students feel that wearing secondhand clothing is an act of expressing individuality. There are still very few students who think that wearing secondhand clothing represents poverty and low taste. It can be seen that most students can still accept wearing secondhand clothing and feel that it is necessary for environmental protection and energy-saving.

Figure 4 College students’ perceptions of wearing secondhand clothing

3.2 College students’ attitudes towards secondhand clothing purchases

The survey results on “Would you choose to buy secondhand clothing” at Guangdong Polytechnic University were that more than half of the respondents chose to buy secondhand uniforms. Nearly half of the respondents decided to buy secondhand clothing. A few students decided to purchase secondhand clothing for everyday use or did not want to buy secondhand clothing.

Most students are reluctant to wear secondhand daily clothes because they are skeptical about the health . And safety of everyday garments. In contrast, for secondhand school uniforms and military training uniforms.  It does not matter if they are new or old. And it is acceptable to be secondhand if there is a formal disinfection treatment that can guarantee health and safety.

3.3 Factors considered by college students when purchasing secondhand clothing

The results of a questionnaire survey on “factors to consider when purchasing secondhand clothing” at Guangdong Institute of Technology are shown in Figure 5.

As can be seen from Figure 5: 940 of the 1172 college students

The main factor to consider when buying secondhand clothing is health and safety, followed by value for money, newness, and style, respectively, while a brand is the least important. Accounting for 25.6%, 20.9%, 15.7%, and 12.2% of the total number of people respectively.

Figure 5 Factors considered by college students when purchasing secondhand clothing

  1. Conclusions and recommendations

A questionnaire survey on “recycling of used clothing on university campuses” at the Guangdong . Institute of Technology led to the following conclusions.

(2) Most students thought that recycling used clothing is an environmentally friendly and energy-saving action. Recycling used clothes by charitable organizations is the most preferred method of recycling by most students.

(3) Health and safety issues are the primary consideration for most students when purchasing secondhand clothing. They are comfortable with wearing secondhand school uniforms and military uniforms.


    In combination with the above, the attitudes and opinions of college students on the recycling of used clothes are optimistic, which shows that even if there are no professional used clothes recycling agencies in China. The recycling of used clothes is still sustainable. As far as college students’ awareness of old clothes recycling is concerned. College students are willing to donate their old clothes in large quantities, good quality, and diverse in styles. At the same time, a survey of college students shows that people are slowly showing a positive attitude towards the reuse of second-hand clothes, which also means that people are slowly accepting the reuse of old clothes.


As a result, impact some export trading companies that recycle used clothes. These companies that export used clothes (Zagumi, Hissen, Haichuan) are mainly in some developed cities, such as Guangzhou, Shenzhen, Shanghai, and Beijing. They have very good advantages: they are close to the source of goods, with various styles, large quantities. And good quality; For export, close to coastal cities, and cooperation with professional freight forwarding companies. They can know the shipping schedule in real time and reduce the cost of customers.

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