What’s the price of used clothes in Uganda?

How much is a bale of used clothes in uganda

How much is a bale of clothes in uganda?

External Factors

How much is a bale of clothes in uganda?

I am sure that many traders who want to engage in second-hand clothes would like to know this question. Taking zagumi, a supplier specializing in selling second hand clothing in bulk from China, as an example, I can now give you a concrete answer to your question(the price of second hand clothes bales in Uganda). The price of a 20ft container is $20,000-25,000, while the price of a 40ft container is $45,000-50,000. this is only an approximate price range, and the exact amount is determined by the demand of the used clothes export supplier.

      Price is an important factor that many export suppliers need to consider, because price is part of the cost, and low prices will give suppliers an advantage to increase competition. In addition, African countries have experienced high inflation rates hence making it difficult for citizens to afford new clothes. The low price also makes them accessible to even those with low income or less money, as they can buy them in bulk and resell them at a higher price. Africa cannot establish its textile and clothing industry well since most factories do not meet international standards with high-end technological systems, which makes them prefer to import second hand clothing from Chile, China, and many other countries.

The number of used clothing exports is declining,market is shrinkaging

     It has become a big issue when it comes to environmental issues and sustainability in apparel. Exporting recycled garments to developing countries for reuse is an important part of the textile recycling industry. One factor that affects this practice is whether the importing country will ban it. Used clothing recycling is an important way for the fashion industry to release pressure. The second-hand clothing transaction helps prevent the excess inventory of the fashion industry from being thrown directly into the landfill. It also helps consumers free up their wardrobes and prepare for the next season’s new arrivals. 

     However, under the influence of the Covid-19, this business model has fallen into an unprecedented predicament. Second-hand clothing exporters from Europe and the United States and traders in developing countries that rely on second-hand clothing supplies are struggling.


   Uganda is one of the countries that rely on imported secondhand clothes brought in through its port in the capital city. The high demand for used clothes accounts for Uganda’s reliance on imported clothes, amounting to more than one-third of total imports.

     A good number of Ugandans earn income by reselling used clothes and contributing a great deal to their earnings.

Used clothes in Uganda

     Used clothes have been a hot topic for Ugandans recently. Many Ugandans want to take part in this used clothing business because of its profitability. Before starting their own business, they are wondering about the second-hand clothes price. Since the used clothes are imported, there is always a good demand for them in different African countries. The Ugandan government imposes taxes on used clothing imports which also affect the final price of secondhand clothes.

      In Uganda, it is not easy to determine the exact price of used clothes because there are different types and sources from which they come. Get rid of taxes, the prices of a bale of used clothing will vary depending on their quality, size, type, and some external factors. In order to obtain higher profits, people in business need to do their best to reduce the costs.


How much is a bale of mitumba clothes in uganda

Quality(bale of clothes price):

      Quality is one of the most significant factors in buying clothes, whether new or used. It’s like trying to find a diamond in the rough. There are several qualities of used clothes. They vary primarily by the type of material, for example, cotton, wool, silk, etc., and the extent of damage due to wear and tear. 

    Quality is not just about physical quality but also about size, coloration, stains, or other defects that may affect the prices buyers are willing to pay for second-hand clothing.

Qualitative classification

     Mostly, the used clothing has three clothing grades from A to C. Zugumi usually sorts unsorted used clothes from China in grades A to C. The most expensive clothing grade is A, which is very solid, and there is slight wear, tear, or other damage. Also, the price is very high for this quality of used clothing. Grade B used clothes are second on the list, and lastly, C grades are cheaper than B quality. The C-quality clothing may have some minor defects, dry stains, missing buttons, or zippers.

    If you want to buy secondhand clothes for reselling purposes, it’s wise to buy either A or B standard clothes since you’ll not always find customers willing to buy C grade clothes; unless if your store only deals with buyers who don’t really care about anything but price. The most expensive ones are of the best quality and last for a long time with good design.

Qualitative classification(2)

  For buying wholesale used clothing from UK or other countries, the retailers have to buy these used clothes in bulk, and all three grades are involved in one bale with standard proportion. For example, if a bale of used clothes consists of three different qualities, the A and B-grade quality should be no less than two-thirds. In case that only A and B grades are available, then it’s better to use them both at once. C grade may be mixed with them, but keep in mind that you have to lower the proportions so that they are no more than one-third.

     If you have a smaller store or you are planning to start your business with low investment, you can choose C grade clothes first and later upgrade to A and B grades once your business expands.

Qualitative classification(3)

    The ratios for A, B, and C grades are dependent on your customer market and product presentation. If you want to target the wealthy market, including those who take good care of their clothes and like to buy new clothes as well as second-hand ones, then it’s better to increase the ratio of A and B grades or even separately without a C grade. Also, if your store mainly sells used products.

      But offers them at lower prices, the C grade has to make up a more significant proportion of your products. Sometimes the prices of second-hand clothing items are higher in A and B quality, but a retailer may still think that they can sell them at a higher price to make a profit. Also, some retailers end up buying used clothing only from C grade because it’s cheaper and allows them to buy more pieces of each type of clothing. It’s not wrong as long as you know what customers want and how much money you can afford to lose or earn on your investment.


    The cost of bales in Uganda varies with the size of bale while buying wholesale used clothing. Different second hand clothes suppliers offer distinct package sizes and prices. 

     Also, many kids clothes supplier are container sales so that the more you buy, the better the deal. You can buy bales of used clothing in various sizes, and these bales will then pack together into a full container.Generally, the more you buy, the lower costs per piece by considering the custom taxes and shipping costs.

    In addition, buying more at once will pay a lower price and save time on transportation as well as finding buyers for your products. For instance, if you order a 20′ container from China to Uganda, the cost of each piece will be cheaper than ordering two 10′ containers separately.


     The price also varies with the type of clothing, and the type will not be the same from one country to another. For example, in Uganda you could easily buy used shoes and jeans but it’s harder to find mitumba bales in uganda of woolen clothes. However, buyers can still order what he or she needs and what is available at a specific time.

Price of used clothes 

    The price for used clothing depends on their type. The prices vary according to the materials as well as the styles. If you plan to invest in wholesale second-hand clothing, think about finding those places where your target market’s favorite clothes are sold such as casual wear, formal wear, kids’ clothes, etc., and then compare prices with other sellers so that you know which seller has better deals based on local standards and customs.

However(the price of used clothes)

     Each wholesale used clothing company has its own prices for different types of clothes, and different companies have their unique categories. It’s better to research on this before you start your business so that you can immediately plan a strategy and increasing the number of pieces per order. For example, if your target customers need a lot of formal wear, you can search online or ask your bales of children’s clothing supplier at wholesale to provide them with those clothes so that you don’t have to spend more money on other mixed items.

    In some cases, customs will have an impact on the type as well as the availability of used clothing in a specific country. For example, if a retailer wants to import used shoes from China, then his choice is simple because he can order them without any problem

How much is a bale of clothes in uganda

External Factors:

    There are still other factors that can affect the price of used clothing, and it’s better for retailers to know them before making their investment.

     International shipping fees and times are the most important factor because it can affect the overall price of used clothing. These fees make a big difference in the final cost of clothes, and even a small change in the fee will affect the final price. For example, if a buyer needs 4 10′ small containers then his total cost will be higher than when he orders 2 20′ large containers because the second option will be cheaper in terms of shipping fees.

How much is a bale of shoes in Uganda

         Shoes are a necessity in life, but in Uganda, how should people satisfy their love of beauty and buy fashionable shoes when their level of economic ability and level of spending power are not on the same level. The average price of a bundle of shoes in Uganda is about $38.

         However, there are many factors that can affect this price. That is why buying used shoes has become the preferred option for people. There are also some brand name clean second hand shoes inside the second hand shoes such as Nike, Pique and other big national brands. So as a used shoe wholesaler, what is the approximate price of shoes? According to zagumi’s years of foreign trade experience, it is concluded that 1 bale is 25kg, and 20ft is 12000kgs for 480 bales, 40ft is 25000kgs for 1000 bales. The price of 1 kg is $0.8-$2.0.

Where to buy cheap clothes in kampala

       Kampala has a wide variety of places where you can buy clothes, but it can be hard to know where to start.A lot of people might think that buying new clothing means spending more money than necessary if one has access to used items from prior years;

1.Discount Mall
2.Ovino Mall
3.Owino market
4.Nabugabo Business center
Gwanda Shopping mall
5.Mukwano Mall
6.Kajjya market
7.Kalungi plaza
8.Kisenyi Bus terminal Mall
9.Justine Arcade
10.Nakawa Market

       However, this isn’t always true because many stores willixed prices according. If anything these places offers savings through bulk purchases which helps reduce costs per item significantly when comparing them directly against individual retail outlets spite being
      According to Zagami’s experience. They summarize some popular second-hand markets with their helpful advice on where they are located and what kinds of styles can be found there, so read it now!

How many pieces are in a package of clothes?

      How many clothes are in a bale? For example, a bag of summer clothes has 45 kg.





Zagumi is a global trading company that focuses on second hand clothing business. It provides its clients with good quality products from Chinese first-tier cities, such as Guangzhou and Chengdu. With the economic level of China’s first-tier cities, the extensive collected second-hand clothes and shoes are good in quality and with fashionable trend. Zagumi is committed to providing people with good quality second hand clothes for sale at affordable prices.

     Zagumi is a dress wholesale suppliers offer customers with different sizes of bale including 40-50kg small bales and 80-100kg large bales for different needs. The raw materials of zagumi are mainly from developed countries in China, and the clothes are fashionable and brightly colored, which are loved by our customers. And the quality of zagumi’s clothes is of class A; good quality, affordable and versatile clothes are hard to find

    Zagumi is the most popular supplier of used clothes and they have long term cooperation with freight forwarders to facilitate sea freight services. And they have competitive price(how much is a bale of clothes in uganda) and good quality.

    They are just the right thing to address the concerns of used clothes exporters, so contact them if you need to!

How much is a bale of clothes in uganda Conclusion

  In order to start a profitable clothing business, it’s important for retailers to find clothing wholesale companies that can provide many pieces of used clothes at reasonable prices. The prices for used clothing vary in different ways, so it’s important to know what factors affect the prices and where you can get cheap and high-quality clothes.such as , online selling second hand clothes. how much is a bale of clothes in uganda? When investing in this type of business, it’s crucial to consider all the above-listed factors so that buyers can get valuable services and save their time and money.

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